Crispin Wright's "Truth and Objectivity" - Chapters 1&2

Introduction I haven't written any reviews for this blog for a little while now, owing to the fact that I have a doctoral thesis to finish. This has been something I've been a little sad about, so I made a point of finding some time to write here again. I've recently finished reasonable drafts of two of my thesis papers, so gave myself permission to do a little reading, and to write a few short posts here. I decided to read Crispin Wright's "Truth and Objectivity", having had my attention drawn to the work by the upcoming Synthese special issue on alethic pluralism (a topic I write on, though from a perspective quite far from Wright's). I'm going to try to review the book in three parts. This review will cover chapters 1 and 2. Later reviews, should they get written, will cover chapters 3&4, and 5&6 respectively. However, it might be that more serious academic commitments draw my attention away from PLM reviews again, and I don't have the...