Luca Incurvati's "How to be a Minimalist about Sets"

Introduction This was an interesting paper by Luca Incurvati and I enjoyed reading it quite a bit. We read this paper as part of our weekly philosophy of maths reading group at the University of Vienna. My thanks, in alphabetical order, to Julie Lauvsland, Benjamin Marschall and Simon Weisgerber. In particular, thanks to Julie for suggesting the paper. This is, though, the first paper I've reviewed where I've generally disagreed with the author. It's not that I necessarily disagree with all the conclusions, but I think there responses that Incurvati doesn't consider and alternative arguments that are important. I'm also unconvinced by Incurvati's positive proposal. Now one quasi-objection I have is that the paper takes place from a Platonist/realist perspective. I think that's wrong from the start and is bound to lead to confusion when we worry about which axioms or claims about sets are really correct and why. I think we should choose our concept of ...